Monday, June 28, 2010

John Piper Answers Working Mothers Question

Blueberry Recipes

Dana, I have not even thought about what I'm doing with all those blueberries! I just washed and sorted them and threw 'em in the freezer because I knew I wouldn't have time to do anything with them this weekend (Mom did make us some nice muffins on Friday afternoon, though). I found three recipes I'm thinking about trying: here, here, and here. I need some good recipes for the Fourth...or the third, as it will be here. :) Anyone wanna share?

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Getting ready to go pick some berries. I didn't get any pictures of you, Lora, and your kiddos...rats!

Jessica and Gracie

Lily and Hannah

Mary Lou in her smart orange hat

Noah picked as he enlightened us on blueberry and plant facts



And...unrelated to blueberries, here's a picture from Keely's birthday party. We had fun decorating the cupcakes to look like the girls.

Dirt Buddy Mystery

Me, calling Joseph over to see our VBS 'dirt buddies': Hey, Joe, come look at your dirt buddy!

Joe: Where?

Me: Right here: the one with no pants.

Joe: That's not mine.

Me: Yes, it is. Look! Your name's on the bottom.

Lily: Yeah, Joe. That one's yours!

Joe, almost in tears now: No! That one's not mine!

Me: Joseph, why are you saying that?

Joe: BeCAUSE! I didn't put any hair on mine!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Created to Be His Helpmeet Revisited

Liz asked if the book I mentioned yesterday is at all like Created to Be His Helpmeet, by Debi Pearl.

In a word: No!

I read and reviewed that book a couple of years ago, and you can read those posts here and here,
if you're interested.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Place of Quiet Rest

My friend Beth and I have been meeting together for a few weeks now to discuss a book together: Blessing Your Husband, by Debra Evans. I have really been challenged and encouraged by what I've read and by the discussions and accountability that we've had.

Last night, I read Chapter five, titled "The Blessing of Right Priorities". This chapter deals with the need to find our rest and peace in Christ, which at first thought seems to pertain more the woman, than to her blessing her husband...but on closer examination, this ability to find and keep peace in our hearts affects everyone else we come into contact with: ESPECIALLY our husbands!

I see the desperate need in my own life for this inner peace of Christ in the midst of the stresses and business of everyday life. To be honest, this week I have been quite a grump; struggling with anger and frustration that has often been directed at my children through impatience and an unkind tone of voice. The Lord's truth came at my heart loud and clear as I read this:
Choosing to wait upon the Lord--to surrender our anxieties about the cares of each day to Him as we draw fresh strength from His indwelling Spirit--requires recognizing the one thing Jesus said is needed: "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness" (Matthew 6:33). By continually seeking God's help "in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests" (Ephesians 6:18), our heart finds rest. Concentrating our heart on the Word of God makes us wise and keeps us focused. The wise woman builds, her house...Wisdom reposes in the heart of the discerning," noted King Solomon, adding, "The tongue of the wise commends knowledge" (Proverbs 14:1, 33, 15:2).

Taking the time to slow down long enough to talk to God and delight in the joy of His sweet presence--wherever we are, regardless of what we are doing, whether it's doing the dishes or driving tho the store of shuttling the school car pool or preparing for an important meeting--can quiet our heart and mind like nothing else. This is where we find the hidden strength that can never be taken away from us. pg 61

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken. Psalm 62:1-2

I just love these CD's! Both of the verses above came to my mind in song.
Philippians 4:6-7 Psalm 62:1-2 (There's no online free version of this one, but I'm linking to the album it's on...)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Daddy is the Best

takes the kids to the pool when Mom would say "no"

tickles and wrestles and plays and teases

hugs and kisses and tells the kids that he loves them

shares his Coke if there's enough begging involved

listens to the children and is gentle with them

disciplines them

apologizes to them when he's sinned against them

teaches them God's Word

loves and forgives their Mommy

gets up early to have "Special Time" with each of them one-on-one over hot chocolate

(and all these things could fit under this last one....)

models the Christian life before them.

I love you so much, Kevin! Our children are truly blessed to have such a great Daddy. Happy Father's Day!

Great Word about *Family*

I'm home early from our church's Flag Day/VBS wrap-up picnic because a certain little girl got sick and I have no desire to cause an epidemic of whatever yucky stuff she has....anyway, while letting her play in the tub, I ran across this post (on Josh Harris's site) of a sermon by Mark Driscoll. Feeling too lazy to put it here on my own blog, so go there! :) It's a good word about true family. Love the restaurant analogy! Check it out if you have about eight minutes.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ever Bathed a Cat?

...Then you get an idea what it's like to bathe my four-year old son.


Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Blessing and Cursing

There is someone in my life who I struggle to love.

I feel anger, disappointment, and frustration with this person. I wish they were different. I say that I don't let those feelings affect me, and try to forgive, but the thoughts are there, harbored in a corner of my heart, where I often bring them out and think on them. Nurse them. Feed them.

...and take every thought captive to obey Christ... 2 Corinthians 10:5b

This morning I was reading the kids a story from this book, and the story was based on this verse:

Bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. Luke 6:28

I began to think about how I struggle to love this particular person, how I fail to 'bless' them...even though I am not receiving 'cursing' from them or anything near 'abuse', verbal or otherwise. The Holy Spirit began to convict me of my selfish, self-centered way of loving, which really isn't true Christ-like love at all.

If I am happy with someone, if they are kind and considerate to me, it's easy to love them. But, if someone hurts me, I find myself harboring those hurts in my heart and keeping my 'blessing' from them. What a terrible 'love-er' I am!

I want to become a woman who loves as I should:freely and with no regard for getting in return. I have been given so much--salvation and life and good gifts from God. Did I deserve that love from Him? Certainly not. Yet He gave it freely.

but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 7:8

I began to think of this parable. I realized that I have been the 'wicked servant'! Who am I to begrudge any wrongs done to me, when Christ has forgiven me so much?

I am so thankful that God is revealing this ugliness in my own heart to me. I am even thankful that He has put this difficult person in my life. I see that whatever all God's purposes are, He's using this situation to put a spotlight on areas He wants to change, ways He wants to conform me to His image. All kinds of cliches about pearls and sand and refining fire and gold are coming to mind, but I'll spare you. You get the picture.

God is good. He is faithful. And I'm so glad to belong to Him.

Five Sweet Months

Samuel, you are five months old today. The time is truly flying! I and your Daddy and brothers and sisters love your smiles, giggles, drooly faces, coos. You are such a gift to our family.

Your name means "Asked of God", and I chose this name for you (and Daddy agreed!) because I prayed for you before you were even in my tummy. I prayed for another child. I prayed for another boy. And God graciously gave us you.

I still pray for you, Sam, and always will. I pray that you will grow to be a godly man someday, who loves and serves God above all. And, as you're growing, I will delight in you and your little milestones. How can anyone say that children are a burden? You are a joy to us all. Happy five-months with us!

Friday, June 04, 2010