Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Blessing and Cursing

There is someone in my life who I struggle to love.

I feel anger, disappointment, and frustration with this person. I wish they were different. I say that I don't let those feelings affect me, and try to forgive, but the thoughts are there, harbored in a corner of my heart, where I often bring them out and think on them. Nurse them. Feed them.

...and take every thought captive to obey Christ... 2 Corinthians 10:5b

This morning I was reading the kids a story from this book, and the story was based on this verse:

Bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. Luke 6:28

I began to think about how I struggle to love this particular person, how I fail to 'bless' them...even though I am not receiving 'cursing' from them or anything near 'abuse', verbal or otherwise. The Holy Spirit began to convict me of my selfish, self-centered way of loving, which really isn't true Christ-like love at all.

If I am happy with someone, if they are kind and considerate to me, it's easy to love them. But, if someone hurts me, I find myself harboring those hurts in my heart and keeping my 'blessing' from them. What a terrible 'love-er' I am!

I want to become a woman who loves as I should:freely and with no regard for getting in return. I have been given so much--salvation and life and good gifts from God. Did I deserve that love from Him? Certainly not. Yet He gave it freely.

but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 7:8

I began to think of this parable. I realized that I have been the 'wicked servant'! Who am I to begrudge any wrongs done to me, when Christ has forgiven me so much?

I am so thankful that God is revealing this ugliness in my own heart to me. I am even thankful that He has put this difficult person in my life. I see that whatever all God's purposes are, He's using this situation to put a spotlight on areas He wants to change, ways He wants to conform me to His image. All kinds of cliches about pearls and sand and refining fire and gold are coming to mind, but I'll spare you. You get the picture.

God is good. He is faithful. And I'm so glad to belong to Him.


Our Four Kids said...

Hi Candice! Thanks for the comment! I was just looking at your blog too - you look like a fun family! How did you end up on our blog?


Stacy said...

That was such a good post.

Your recent comment on my blog about books for boys made me recall a list I bookmarked a couple of months ago. It's a book list for boys, with the aim of "instilling honor in boys through literature".

I'm not sure if the books on the list are still too old for your son, or not- but you may want to take a look!

Here's the link:

Blessings to you and yours!

Leah said...

Thank you C for sharing in your struggle. This is such a wonderful reminder to me, of an area where my heart could use some work, too.

You are a precious woman of God, and a bright and shiny witness of God's hand in your life and his love in your heart!

Love keeping up with you and your darling family on the blogospere!

Happy Summertime!

P.S That Samuel is just such a cutie!

Aunt Bev said...

you, my young niece, minister to your ole Aunt Bev in more ways that you can imagine. Your post of Blessing & cursing came as a God send just at the right time & oh how I needed to read that and be reminded of these truths. I forget so easly when caught up in despair. Thank you Dear! love, aunt Bev p.s. baby Sam is precious!

Candice said...

Hi, Stephanie! To answer your question, I have no idea how I found you! I was spending WAY too much time on the computer on Wednesday afternoon, and you know how it click a link here, a link there...!

Stacy: Thanks so much for taking the time to share the link about books for boys! I checked out the site and was inspired!

Leah, thanks for your sweet words. I love keeping up with you guys on your blog, too! Can't wait to hear about Sadie's arrival! :)

Aunt Bev: I love you and am so thankful God used what I wrote to encourage you. Thanks for your comment! I love to 'hear' from you! And, you can get your hands on Sam this August! :) I can't wait to meet Daniel, too.

Unknown said...

First of all, thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog. Secondly wow, this post ministered to me so much as this is exactly where I am at with a particular "friend".
Thank you for sharing this. What a blessing to me today.

Kelly said...

Thank you for this!