Monday, August 16, 2010

The Case For Siblings

I LOVE this! It made me laugh, and it couldn't be more true! Take a minute to check it out....


Aunt Bev said...

Im just so thankful that Mom & Dad(John & Anne, Ma Maw & Pa Paw) decided to have 5 children. My precious siblings. I can't imagine life without them. Life would be pretty lonely & very dull without Brenda, Betty, Barbara, & John. I am so blessed. Words just can't decribe how much I love them all. Now that Dad & Mom are gone from us, we still have each other. Whooray for big families. ( just not 19 LOL!)

Anne said...

Cute article/post. :) We didn't have a "large" family, just 3 kids, but it's growing and growing now, with 6 grandchildren and another one on the way. :) I remember one of my roommate's in college saying how much she missed out on in life because she was an only child. Children WANT siblings, playmates, friends, etc. I'm glad God has seen to bless us with 2 + ;)