Tonight we were on our way to have dinner with friends, and the drive over was really lovely. It's been really rainy here lately, but this afternoon was bright and blue. You know how the afternoon sunlight just looks prettier after a rain?
We were enjoying a new CD I picked up yesterday (from the Seeds worship collection, that we love and highly recommend for kids. I don't have much stomach for most kids' music that's out there, but this is something the kids and parents can really enjoy and benefit from...I digress...) One of the songs that's on this album is Romans 8:28 , one of my very favorite verses. I was moved listening to the familiar words. God is working in all things...to do me good. I think this is one of those verses that is easy to become too familiar with; it's easy to gloss over and not really appreciate the magnitude and power it speaks of. I can really barely grasp it:
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
Isn't that just mind-blowing? The loss of a job, the difficult marriage, the financial struggles, the broken relationships...God is working among and through them all to do us good, if we are His children. To conform us to the image of Christ. What a beautiful, wondrous promise to cling to when life is hard! What a precious reminder to submit to whatever is hard in my life, in your life, and turn our faces to Christ, asking Him to have His way.
Lord, help me to trust you more.
Lord, help me to trust you more.
We LOVE the Seeds CDs at our house, too. I haven't gotten the one you have, but the other ones are GREAT! =)
Thank you for the good reminder of how wonderful that verse is.
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