Q: What has 5000 legs and 100 teeth?
A: The front row at a Nascar race!

On Sat. afternoon I took our two boys and Noah's best buddy, Liam, to the track. We were able to see 40 laps before the race was rained out. Once it started raining I thought it would be a good time to take shelter in the concourse and grab some food. I was horrified when I saw the prices: Hamburger $5, Hot Dog $4 (a la carte). I suggested to the guys that we go to McDonalds instead... No one objected so we headed for the car. I'm glad we did, 'cause as soon as we got to the front gate it really started coming down!
We made it to McDonalds relatively dry and unscathed. After we finished our meal, one of the employees approached me and said that a tornado had touched down nearby and that we needed to take shelter in the bathroom or leave. Since we were headed south, I decided to take the boys and go on home. As soon as we all got back in the car, Liam suggested that we pray to God for protection. Why didn't I think of that?! We quickly said a word of prayer (I prayed with my eyes open!) and we made it safely home.

I am grateful to God for his many blessings, his protection, and the gentle reminder from a little boy that even though we get 'big' we are never too 'big' to ask for help... Thanks, Liam.
"At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."" (Mt. 18-1-4 ESV)
Glad to hear how God planned the evening. Stan and I were out on Saturday, also, and heard that a storm was headed toward the Speedway...when we heard about the tornado that touched down we went home early!
Wow I am sure that was exciting on multiple levels! Do you get to go back to finish the race today?
I think Liam will remember that adventure for a very long time!
What a great day (and lesson!). I'm glad you all were safe!
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