Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ten Commandments Song for Kids from One to Ninety-two

Several months ago in our Sabbath School class, the teacher gave us a 'pop-quiz'. He asked us to all see how many of the Ten Commandments we could name, and if we could name them in order.


So, thanks to my friend Kim, here's a catchy little song that I'm teaching my kids. It's helping me remember the Ten Commandments, in order, even!

To the tune of 'Ten Little Indians'

I'm your only God, it's true

Never worship idols, ewww

Respect my name and don't be rude

Keep the Sabbath holy

Please obey your mom and dad

Don't kill people, oh how bad!

Stay true in marriage, you'll be glad

Don't steal things from others.

Never ever tell a lie

Don't wish for things your neighbors buy

When you follow God's rules

You'll be safe and happy!


Liz said...

There are several cool 10 Commandment songs that I've learned w/ my kids. And you know what? I can't name all the commandments now without singing them! :)

mommyto4blessings said...

That is so cute! I can't wait to learn it and then teach it to my kids!

LostSockArtTeacher said...

This is good! My 5 year old came home singing it to me and it made me so proud! Keep em' coming!

Jen T. said...

You know, I really have to thank you for posting this! My daughter just learned this song and was encouraged to teach it to our neighbor girl (who JUST started attending Sunday School and Church with us.) The only problem was, she could not remember how the song started. So we did a search and came upon your wonderful blog. I just love the way the Lord works! So now we know. Keep up the great blogging! We enjoyed reading several of your posts, and you have a lovely family!

Bridget said...

I've been looking for a vernon that would work with my pre-K/K Sunday school class and this looks perfect! Thank you for sharing!