Monday, December 06, 2010

Joseph is Five

Happy birthday, sweet boy.

You always make me smile!

Yes, her hair always looks like that. It's her signature look.


Anne said...

Happy Birthday Joe!!! Looks like you had a fantastic (& fun!) birthday!!! :)

Jessica said...

crazy...u were pregnant with joe when we met you! Happy birthday to him!

Debbie said...

Oh Happy birthday Joe- the cupcakes look wonderful! :)
Hope he had a wonderful birthday.

Maggie said...

Happy belated birthday Joseph!
(PS- I love this picture of Rowan and Sam. Adorable!)

Anonymous said...

Hi C, great photos! I'm interested in what's in the presents, what kind of things did you buy this year? I find it difficult sometimes with a big family :-)


Anglican Mama said...

That bowtie rocks my socks. ;)
Happy birthday to him from a fellow December-born!

Candice said...

Sandra--the only gift we gave Joe was a remote-controlled police car. This was his most frequent request when we would ask him what he wanted for his birthday. He received a gift from his grandparents, too, and several dollars of birthday money in the mail (probably blown on candy by now!) and gifts from his aunts and uncles. I can see that December birthdays (we have two in our family) are going to be more challenging as the kids grow. I think the key will be budgeting better! :)