Thursday, October 28, 2010

Lost in a Big Family?

"Some people think that when you have seven kids in your family, you might not get noticed. But that's not true, because you have a lot of people to play with. " Lily, 8


Anne said...

I didn't come from a large family (just 3 kids), but I would probably have to agree with Lily...sounds like there's always SOMEONE to play with. :) By the way, very cute pictures of your kiddos...I especially love Sam's face in the first one. ;)

Queen of the Natives said...

oh! that's so sweet :) i often wonder how it would be for us if we had more little people. And whilst we're trying I have to admit i'm just a little bit apprehensive of how I would cope. I'm in awe of these amazing large families (yourself included) who seem to not only stay sane, but are thriving and homeschooling, and the little people aren't getting lost in amongst it all ;)

Anonymous said...

My kids completely agree! One time, after spending time with my mom, my daughter said she felt sorry for Grandma Bonnie. I asked why, and she said that Grandma was an only child, and that must have been so boring! My kids have NEVER wished to have fewer siblings. They know they have it good!

Debbie said...

Oh that is so sweet! I really like that comment. Lily has a very sweet heart. I always wished growing up for more siblings - my mom finally had another when I was 18. While I was excited for her, I was sad that it was so late --- I was on my way to college and missed most of my youngest sister's life. I would have liked her to be born 5 to 10 years earlier where I would have had time with her.