Friday, October 22, 2010

Discipline or Diversion?

Jen Wilkin writes here about over-extended children and its motives and results. I especially love the six questions she includes when evaluating potential activities. Take a minute to go check it out.


Queen of the Natives said...

Hi ya Candice, Once again, I so appreciate you linking to such an awesome article. There is so much truth in this and its something we have had to figure out on the way. Nobody could tell me this. I truly thought that by exposing my boys to lots of different activities/ opportunities I was doing the right thing particularly because we h/s. I see now that what they need most is Love, Boundaries, Discipline, Encouragement, Plenty of Time for Carefree play (opportunities for boredom) and Rest.

I realize also that as the author points out, it is about affluence, money and the whole thing is sadly, just another industry. Divide and conquer also. Less time for quality family life.

Very timely for me as we have just started One extracurricular activity for the term :) and have been tempted by more.

Thanks again JM xo

Anonymous said...

Candice, I've been reading! Had our baby on September 22nd - Charlotte Joy. She is a difficult baby, I can't believe number 9 is the hardest!! :-)We love her so much though. Are you on facebook? My e-mail is:
I'd love to send you some pics!
New Zealand