There was a big bag of candy I'd used for rewards in my co-op class between the front seats in our van this afternoon. Noah was sitting next to me--he's so excited that he weighs enough now--and I thought I was being discreet about how much I was eating. He seemed to be looking out the window a lot, and I'd grab another few pieces when his head was turned.
Noah: Man, you sure like Tootsie Rolls. I thought you were on a diet.
Me: Well...I didn't eat a very big lunch. I'm really hungry.
Noah, with a smile: Excuses.
That is so funny! Kids don't let you get by with much do they:)
Love it! They don't miss a beat! :)
LOL! They certainly expect us to live up to our words, don't they?
Very funny! They keep us on our toes, don't they?
Haha. *Rats* they're observant too. ;)
I have so many conversations like this with my Brennan. It is so fun to joke around in a grown up way with him!
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