Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Do We Realize How Blessed We Are?

After learning that Lily's friend from church was diagnosed with H1N1 yesterday, I was fearful that Lily's cough and fever this morning were indicators that she had contracted it, too. Thank goodness that we have access to wonderful medical care and modern means of diagnosis! After a somewhat traumatic nose and throat swab, we learned that she does not have that virus, but some other that isn't quite as scary.

With all the crazy healthcare talks and bellyaching about how 'broken' our system is, running across this blog post brought me to tears and reminded me of how blessed we are in this country. We get so focused on the imperfections of our system (which will always be imperfect as long as sinful humans are running and participating) that we become oblivious to the needs and desperate lack of care available to so many in this world.

And, will you please pray for our friends who are dealing with this sickness in their home? The Watson family has six children, one of whom is a newborn.


Jenia said...

I Hope your family continues to stay healthy and thank you for the reminder of our blessings... it is always good to remember that:)

Anne said...

We're glad to hear that Lily's bug isn't anything serious. We've been fighting a bug (well, the kids have) this week too. Apparently pretty minor though, just a 24 hr. thing. I feel like I need to disinfect the entire house though!! Thanks for the reminder of blessings...

Liz said...

A OB/Gyn from our church was on the first Mercy Ship that went to Africa to do the VVF surgeries. He & his family went into mission work full time for about 18 months to go there & treat these ladies. I love hearing his stories & seeing the videos & pictures he took during that time. Truly remarkable!