Monday, August 17, 2009

More Ideas For Fun

My friend April shared an idea with me that I immediately stole. She made special 'snack bags' for each of her children. They would be allowed to pick one afternoon snack after they completed their schoolwork or woke up from naptime. The kids are really excited about getting to choose their own snack, and I think it will cut down on the 'what do I feed them for snack today' dilemma for me. Plus, they can help themselves if I am, say, checking my eyelids for light leaks.

And, I thought I'd share this link with you all: full of fun printables and activities to spur creativity.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the Crayola link! I even had JT show me how to put it in my favorites. Chesed needs busy work this year!

Rebecca M said...

I love the snack time idea. My kids definitely seem to benefit from an afternoon snack but it's not always on the forefront of my mind to create another meal for them at that time. Great idea!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, I never thought about the out-side playdough. I'm having one of those days today - it's Monday in New Zealand, so I'm having some timeout looking at blogs. I enjoy your posts!

Nutmeg said...

That's a neat idea!