Monday, June 08, 2009

Still Here

Now that I'm spending a little less time hugging the potties here, I thought I'd post a couple of pictures and a quick update. Our 'vacation' month has begun fast and furious, but filled so far with lots of fun. My Mom came for five days last week and we had a great time with her, as we always do. We went to garage sales, to fast food places (a big treat around here!), and the pool. We enjoyed the Narnia exhibit at Union Station and the kids played and explored Science City. And Mom allowed me to abandon her for almost a whole day so I could focus on transforming my VBS room into a swamp...or something.

Hope you all are enjoying these first 'summer break' days!

1 comment:

Anne said...

I don't think I'm the only one who will tell you this, but your swamp room (aka the church library) looks AMAZING! Everyone has done such a great job decorating and making everything look completely "swampy". :) Hope VBS week isn't too stressful for you & all the other leaders. You guys are all doing a fantastic job!!!