Friday, February 13, 2009

V-E Day (Victory over Expectations Day)

I have always loved Valentine's Day. All the cards, the stickers, the glitter and scissors...and, of course, the candy. I think partly this is because my Mother always made a big deal about the holiday. Even when I was in high school she would buy my brother and me a small gift and candy. And every year she bakes and mails the most wonderful iced sugar cookies to me.

Well, not to me anymore, but to the kids. I get my share, though.

I have in years past had great, nebulous expectations about what amazing and romantic thing my husband was going to do for me, and though he has done some pretty romantic things over the years, this kind of thinking almost always leads to disappointment, I find. This pattern of thinking (read:selfish) has caused me a lot of heartache in my life. And I'm not just talking about as it relates to Valentine's Day. This year....every day, actually, I want to do better at blessing my husband, not imagining the blessing I want to get. Don't get me wrong; I love the cards and candy and romance, but I've just learned that really, the celebration should be about what your marriage is the other 364 days. Forgive me if I'm a bit serious about this topic today. I've recently gotten some sad news that has reminded me to not take my man for granted, to love him and focus on him more than I focus on me. and tomorrow, I'm going to be thankful for my Valentine: roses, candy, romantic dinner, or no.

Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Philippians 2:4


Dianna said...

You are a wise woman Candice:) You always seem to put into words what I'm thinking!

Anne said...

It's funny, Candice. I've always thought of Valentine's Day as a silly holiday. Why should your love for someone just be shown on 1day out of the year? But I guess we were both thinking the same thing, just a little differently. :) I hope you have a very special Valentine's Day.

Liz said...

I get a daily email tip called "The Generous Wife". Want me to fwd. one to you so you can sign up?

Candice said...

Liz, that sounds good!