Friday, November 03, 2006

Iron Sharpens Iron

It's really mind-boggling to think that Romans 8:28 is true for each of the billions of believers who were and are and will be. Only our awesome God could work all things together in such a way. Kevin and I are so blessed to have some wonderful friends who we really enjoy, and most importantly, are like-minded with. It is so encouraging to me to have great conversations about 'ultimate' kinds of things and hear others' wisdom and opinions. Franck and Andi, friends who we 'coincidentally' met at our neighborhood pool several years ago, are a great example. They so earnestly desire to teach and model Christ to their children and to the world, and are bold about where they are coming from. And then there's Boyd and Michelle , who 'happen' to live on our street and 'happen' to home school their 3 kids. Michelle has been a friend to talk to about all the frustrations and triumphs of homeschooling, and is an amazing example of gentleness and patience with her kids, among other qualities that I admire. I actually ask God sometimes to make me more like her! (But I know that comparisons do get one in trouble...) So I just am so thankful to my Great God for yet another ingredient He's added to this abundant life.

Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm. (Proverbs 13:20)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this blog thing! Except now, I want to talk to you. Your blogs are inspiring, and have encouraged me to share more of my spiritual life on mine. Thanks. Love to you and yours.