1. I've been a very, very bad blogger. I've thought about sitting down at the computer lots, but it just hasn't been a priority. I also think my new (hand-me-down-from-my-husband) smart phone makes it less necessary. Email looks like email on it!
2. We enjoyed a nice Thanksgiving with my parents and my brother and his family. The kids played and played and churned out lots of artwork. The adults had fun eating and shopping and hanging out. We also went ice skating; the kids had never been, and I haven't been in years. What a blast! I love hosting Thanksgiving at our house.
3. And, for the second time ever, I did the Black Friday shopping thing. Briefly. We just headed to Wal-Mart at midnight because my sister-in-law had some things on her list. I got a great deal on some sheets for us and picked up a few cheap DVDs. There was one scary moment when the crowd started pressing together. A lady pushed in front of me to grab her movies of choice, and I gladly let her. She really wanted what she wanted. Gracious.
4. We still have had no offers on our house. It's been very quiet, but we are still hoping and praying.
5. Homeschooling is going pretty well. Today we spent quite a bit of time cleaning the house since we had company 'til Sunday morning. I always have more on my list of things to accomplish with school than I ever get to, but I'm trying to daily (hourly, sometimes!) ask the Lord what He has for me to do, and leave the rest joyfully.
6. Our baby Sam is approaching 11 months. He is a delightful little guy. He doesn't suffer for attention around here, but occasionally his scattered Mommy messes up: Friday night he kept crying and crying when I'd try to put him to bed. After about an hour, I realized that we had not fed him dinner, and he'd hardly eaten lunch. My comfort is that he won't remember and is very forgiving. :) I'm thinking more and more about weaning. It's always nice to have your body 'back', but sad to see that sweet time end. Maybe after we get home from Christmas traveling...
My sister-in-law, Allison, getting her baby 'fix'
Poor Sam's cheeks look terrible here, but don't worry: we put aloe vera on them and they looked so much better the next day!
7. My friend Mary Jane is raving about this book. I am going to read it as soon as I finish this and this. Anyone read it?
There you have my terribly un-exciting seven things. Take care, you all, and trust in the Lord!
I really enjoy all your 7 Things!!! I have been a bad blogger lately too, too much else going on! I am glad you had such a wonderful Thanksgiving :)
Your kids looked so cute all dressed up like indians and pilgrims!
Hi Candice, great entry, love reading about your life. Love the books too! :-)
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