Friday, September 10, 2010

Why Ten-Year-Old Boys Should Not Be Allowed Near Dollhouses

While Annes prepares her meals-on-wheels, and Grandma naps on the couch with the cardboard
ipod-t.v. blaring, something frightening is transpiring upstairs....

No, it's not a lone Hot Tamale candy....but something much more sinister: a stack of Lego dynamite! Daddy has really lost his marbles. Look at the gleeful look on his face! It's sick.

Let's just all hope that the bomb squad arrived in time.


Unknown said...

Hahahhaha, gotta love it! My 11 year old son is the exact same way! lol

Melissa said...

Lol!! Love it... boys are so funny!

Anonymous said...

My girls have the exact Loving Family doll house. I could get rid of every other toy we have, as that is the activity of choice! Add in horses, empty tissue boxes, & clay, that becomes just about anything, & you've got them busy for hours.

Boys add the excitment though:-)

Dana said...
