Elijah is thriving; at two weeks and two days old he's a great eater and sleeper and we are all enamored with him. My parents are leaving early tomorrow morning, and we will miss them! Mom has been so wonderful; I truly don't know how I could have managed without her. We have had some sweet times together early in the mornings over coffee and open Bibles--interrupting each others' study!
We are almost 100% positive that we will be moving by April 1. At this moment, we don't know where we're moving to. I have had to keep my emotions in check about this, as I can get a bit wound up and anxious if I'm not careful. Kevin is working on some things, and we are seeking the Lord and trusting Him to provide for us. I plan on getting back to school half days next week, and focusing on packing in the afternoons. My super Mother-in-law will be here soon, and that will be a huge help, too.
Whatever happens, it's interesting around here right now! :)
Who needs toys when you can play with a mop? Sam loves "Leeli" and is constantly kissing and petting his head. So sweet!
You guys have a lot on your plate right now! May God continue to give you peace and help you to relax in the midst of all this!
Such a precious baby! It looks like everyone is enjoying him!!!!
So glad you are feeling better. And it's quite obvious as to WHY you're all enamored with Little Elijah, he's absolutely beautiful! :) Let me know if you need any help packing or anything...We'd love to help out in any way we can.
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