Tuesday, May 03, 2011


This morning promised to be such a pretty day, so after family worship time I packed a quick 'old-fashioned' lunch of oranges, hard-boiled eggs, banana bread, cheese, and crackers--and not so old-fashioned Kool-aid-- and we headed out to the arboretum. I have a new camera, and I've been itching to get out there to take pictures of the kids in that beautiful place. Mom is here with us today, so that made our visit even nicer! Grandma's presence makes everyone happy around here. :)

I'm disappointed that this picture turned out a little fuzzy, but I still love it. It perfectly captures Lily and Sam's relationship. They are buddies.

1 comment:

Anne said...

Nice pictures. :) Didn't notice the one of Lily & Sam being blurry. It was a sweet picture.