Saturday, May 29, 2010

Adios, '09-'10 School Year!

Yesterday was our official last day of school before our five-week break. We wrapped up the last little bit of school work, then decorated cupcakes and ate them (for lunch (!), had our own little award ceremony, and played games and played in the water hose in the back yard. We are all quite happy to be "on break"! :)

My friend Sherri is so kind to host a field day for a group of homeschoolers every May. This year was the 10th one! Thank you, 'Miss' Sherri, for sharing your wonderful yard with us each year and planning all of the fun field day stations!

Samuel has budding administrative skills, as you can see.

Valerie and her little sweetie enjoying a drink break

Lovely Lounging Ladies

My friend Kim helps Joe through the obstacle course

The boys waiting for their turn at the 100-meter dash

Carla loves to love on my babies!

It was great to see these friends at field day, for the kids and for the Moms! Over the years, some of us have moved to different churches, so it's so nice to catch up with old friends.

What a fun week! Now, I look forward to a little less structure to our days, and a little more spontaneity. Several projects to tackle, too. Hope you all are enjoying your first days of summer break!


Jenia said...

Don't you just LOVE Summer??!! I sure do :) I hope our families can enjoy some summer time together :)

Teena said...

love the pics!! Thanks for sharing.


Anonymous said...

Hi there

I have not commented for ages but have been reading every post, I gave up blogging, not for me :-) Am 22 weeks pregnant with number 9, so enjoying it! Just a quick note to say hi!
Sandra - New Zealand

Candice said...

Hi, Sandra! I noticed you took down your blog, and have been wondering how you are. Hope this pregnancy is going great for you. Thanks so much for commenting and 'keeping in touch'! Love to you!