Saturday, April 10, 2010

Quick Little Project

I picked up these prints at a garage sale for $2 several years ago. Yes, I said years. I've been meaning to do something with them all this time. Aren't they cute?

These $5.99 frames were on sale at Hobby Lobby. So, three bucks a frame.

The color, however, doesn't quite fit with Row's girly room. So...I picked up a can of this wonderful stuff.

And the big blank pink wall has something to make it interesting and cute now.

Please don't anyone point out that I don't have curtains up there yet. I'm basking in the satisfaction of one little project completed today! :)


Leah said...

What a darling big girl room! I l-o-v-e Hobby Lobby and their amazing deals/sales!

Liz said...

VERY cute! (And don't sweat the no curtains thing. After living in our house for 5 years, my bedroom still doesn't have a curtain....and my bathroom which was built in 2006 doesn't either!)

Anne said...

Nicely done! (Curtains are overrated, at least they were when I was growing up and I tend to lean that way!)

Dana said...

Great job, Candice! Her room looks very pretty.