Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Weighing My Day

Pro: 6/8 of us here at home are not in our pajamas. I'm not telling which two are left.

Pro: I've worked on phonics with my 5-year-old, and the older two have finished or almost finished their core subjects.

Con: I yelled at my 7-year-old for interrupting me this morning.

Con: I found myself saying, "Don't spit on the baby" today.

Pro: I've fed and cuddled my littles and changed their diapers. (Or is the diaper part a con....? No, definitely a pro. I love those tiny heinies.)

Con: I still haven't made lunch, and its 12:25. But, this is by design. If they are reeeaaally hungry, perhaps they'll eat the leftover beans and rice without a fuss. Mwuhahahaaaa!

Con: I slept in and didn't get to spend time with the Lord first thing.

Pro: I worked on memorizing Exodus 20 with the kids. I'm excited about being able to say the 10 Commandments in order with them.

Con: My children have watched more t.v. than usual today.

Pro: I think they'll survive despite watching more t.v. than usual today.

Pro: God's mercies are new every morning! I am loved and accepted and secure in Him. It doesn't get much better than that, does it?


Marie said...

I loved this post! It made me feel more real. I struggle with the TV thing very often. We're home sooo much and it's hard to keep them busy some days.

Anne said...

I'm with you on the "tiny heinies". :) Sounds like you've had a better day than not. :) Hope your week improves from here.

Melissa said...

Made me smile. I LOVE being a stay at home, homeschooling momma! So many more pros than cons.

Liz said...

I say that if you've done that much before noon, you're doing great! :)

Valerie @ Inner Child Fun said...

Sounds like an overall great day! Love how you chose to view changing a diaper as a pro. I need to keep that in mind next time!

Dana said...

He weighs us according the the righteousness of Christ, which is an amazing thing, isn't it?
Your little man is so sweet. I'm glad you gave him lots of snuggles.