Thursday, March 06, 2008

Theological Discussion

On the way to church last night, I overheard this conversation in the van:

Keely was playing with the calendar on her iPod, finding the day of the week of everyone's birthdays. She sure let me know how looong it took her to go ALL the way back to 1976 to find mine...

Lily: Wouldn't it be neat to go back and see what day God was born on.

Noah: Lily, God wasn't born.

Lily: Yes, He was.

Noah: No, Lily, God is from eternity. He was not born.

Lily: YES, He was, Noah.

Keely jumps in: No, Lily, you're thinking about Jesus. He was born as a baby.

Lily, after a pause: But Jesus is God.

Keely and Noah both jump in with comments about the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Lily: Nevermind.

Poor Lil! The trinity is a hard thing to grasp, even if you aren't five.

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