Sunday, October 28, 2007

Worshipping with Joseph

This morning, and really yesterday, too, Joseph's left eye looks icky, so we are home from church together this morning. I put on a Tommy Walker CD to hear one of my favorite songs. TW can be a little too affected for my tastes, but the lyrics of this song are my prayer. It goes like this:

All About Your Glory
I wanna make my life
all about your glory
I wanna spend my days
telling the world Your story
In everything I do
In everything I say
Following after You
Giving You thanks and praise

I wanna make my life
all about Your honor
morning, noon, and night
my best I want to offer
In everything I do
In everything I say
Following after You
Giving You thanks and praise

Make me an instrument
Make me a song of praise
Make me a shining light
that radiates your ways
Make me Your masterpiece
Lord, put me on display
That I may ever be a picture
of Your Grace

There's a bit more, but you get the general idea. Maybe my very technically gifted husband can put a link to the song here so you can listen. So, anyway, Joseph and I sang and danced around the living room together, which is quite a workout when you are carrying some extra, ahem... fluffiness. The next song on the cd is 'To God be the Glory', to a different, peppier arrangement. This is a song that the kids and I have sung together quite a bit before school, so Joe has heard it a lot. But this was the first time he's ever sung the actual words, or, more accurately, about every other word. It was so precious to hear this little toddler's voice singing praises to the Lord! I like worshipping with you, buddy.

From the lips of children and infants You have ordained praise... Psalm 8:2a

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