Friday, June 15, 2007

Ahhhhh...It's Friday

First let me say how thankful to the Lord I am to be feeling better; you really appreciate health after you're sick for a little while. This phenomena is heightened when you are a complete wimp about feeling bad, anyway. So, I am officially into trimester 2, and starting to almost pop buttons off my pants. I read today that the baby is now the size of a jumbo shrimp. Is it just me, or is that a really weird ananogy?

Today was the last day of VBS at our church, and, though it was fun, I must say I am glad it's over. I have an especially clingy 18-month old, and my house looks like it's inhabited by squatters. But, not to be gripey....I had the honor of praying with one of the kids in my class of fourth graders to receive Christ! I won't say I 'led him' to Christ; obviously the Holy Spirit has been working in his heart for quite a while, but it was still so neat to be a part of that process. Another fabulous thing about teaching VBS is the Teachers' Lounge. Yes, folks, a place to hang out and eat...and eat...and talk--and eat. I don't know if it's just that now that my nausea is gone, I am rediscovering food, or what, but this was truly a highlight of each day. My friend Heather is also expecting, and she was kind enough to keep eating with me and keep me from being too obvious on the third trip to the snack table (those plates are SO small!), so that was nice.

The kids had a great time, and as usual, Lifeway's material was great. Lots of great truth gets into the kids; even the songs have some good theology in them. So tonight, when I'm unable to sleep because I can't stop singing the "Game Day Central" theme song, I will remind myself that this week was really, really worth it.

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